Thursday, January 31, 2013

Long Necked Vases Set

These were so pretty in shining color I decide to brighten up the blog. Three in one set plus a single. The triplet set will be best smallish in cabinets and such. The single can get big and still stay in the .5 area and even move outdoors as needed.  Find them near the $60L secret board (the slimboy this week).

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Asymmetrical Cabinet

This striking display cabinet is now available on the marketplace here and of course in the shop.

New Promo Item

A couple of days ago there was a very bad time on the Marketplace. Lots of people tried to buy and couldn't. As a compensation I put up this new promo bowl. It matches the gift at the new main store and makes a nice decor set. Find it here.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Futon Loungers

Futon Loungers are available in a fatpack or singly. Read all about them at the Marketplace. Look in the associated products for links to the single and couple versions sold separately.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

60 Linden Secret 2-1

The Slimboy Dresser coordinates with the popular Classic Highboy, making a nice set.  A single mesh object (no unlinking) that weighs in at .5 LI. Find it on special next weekend.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Lattice Room Divider

I just finished a four paneled room divider - privacy screen set. 2 LI and three texture areas. Read about it on the Marketplace .

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My $60 Secret

This week end's $60 Secret will be a set of Vases. One 3 vase, individually mapped set, plus a single. 

Bistro Set

Marketplace info:

Or come by and see it inworld. 

Naked Mesh is Moving

117 prims isn't all that much. With only a few prims left at my first shop, I started looking for a new home for Naked Mesh. Mesh Depot is fine at the Courtyard, a showplace for some finished work and a place where non-creators can pick up some finished work. 

Naked Mesh is obviously my best business model. Yes, insert a smile here. 

Finding a new place was a bit of a challenge. I wanted a spot of my own, not really a mall setting. I also wanted to be sure that I could stay there a long time. So the answer -- the safer answer -- was mainland. 

Late one evening I caught up with a friend and we were chatting in IM. Somehow -- I don't really remember at the moment I ended up looking for mainland. It was a wee small hours of the night eve for me but I did come away with a pretty good feel for the current state of mainland property.

I had decided that I wanted to be up high with a better framerate, but I still wanted a nice piece of land. In the end and a few days later, I settled on a oceanfront  protected (nothing but air) lot in Triggerfish. 

The framerates are so much better than my lot by the bridge. Maybe a different continent (this one seems classier for some reason) or maybe a different server set up. Whatever. I am happy. 

So I decided that with a bigger store and a growing clientele list, that a blog would be a good thing to have. I don't promise to be perfect as I am not much of a writer, but I will try and post photos of new releases for the folks that like to shop in world. Amazingly there seem to be a lot of those. Personally, I LIKE to look at products before I purchase, so I can understand those in that camp. 

Now I just need a shop -----