Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Naked Mesh is Moving

117 prims isn't all that much. With only a few prims left at my first shop, I started looking for a new home for Naked Mesh. Mesh Depot is fine at the Courtyard, a showplace for some finished work and a place where non-creators can pick up some finished work. 

Naked Mesh is obviously my best business model. Yes, insert a smile here. 

Finding a new place was a bit of a challenge. I wanted a spot of my own, not really a mall setting. I also wanted to be sure that I could stay there a long time. So the answer -- the safer answer -- was mainland. 

Late one evening I caught up with a friend and we were chatting in IM. Somehow -- I don't really remember at the moment I ended up looking for mainland. It was a wee small hours of the night eve for me but I did come away with a pretty good feel for the current state of mainland property.

I had decided that I wanted to be up high with a better framerate, but I still wanted a nice piece of land. In the end and a few days later, I settled on a oceanfront  protected (nothing but air) lot in Triggerfish. 

The framerates are so much better than my lot by the bridge. Maybe a different continent (this one seems classier for some reason) or maybe a different server set up. Whatever. I am happy. 

So I decided that with a bigger store and a growing clientele list, that a blog would be a good thing to have. I don't promise to be perfect as I am not much of a writer, but I will try and post photos of new releases for the folks that like to shop in world. Amazingly there seem to be a lot of those. Personally, I LIKE to look at products before I purchase, so I can understand those in that camp. 

Now I just need a shop -----

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